Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Lonely at the top.....

It is getting pretty lonely at the top these days. And if you want to know how boring and melancholic it is to be alone at the top, ask Sachin or Roger or Tiger. But it wasn't like this always. Few years ago a lot of my friends were performing at the top most level and there was a lot of healthy competition between us. As we grew older, the going got tougher and the pressures and anxieties started building up. A lot of my friends were not able to stand up to these adverse conditions and they slowly started fading away. And even those guys who supposedly were smarter than me weren't able to compete at such dizzy heights and succumbed to the pressures. Luckily for me since my fundamentals were strongly rooted, I was able to stand up to these challenges and perform better than them. At one level I am happy that I have been able to stand the test of time but at another level I am missing all the fun I used to have with my friends. And with every passing day I am not very sure if I can withstand the crescendoing stress levels. But it is very pertinent that I hold my nerves together and somehow cling on to the top slot. Else it might leave the author completely bald!!

As cribbed by the lonely hair follicle in the above narrative, the author has not become so progressively bald. But it dreads this might be the case soon.


  1. im confused ;) u wrote it targetting someone. but .. widout knowing who it is .. it aint fun actually !!

  2. ok.. so who (& what exactly) is being targeted here?? follow-up comments/blog space..

  3. either my comprehension of english is incredibly bad or this blog is intended for people with much higher intellectual capacity than mine.....because I am nowhere near understanding the point that you are trying to make..

  4. If the author isn't talking about himself, then it must be about IR.

  5. As far as I understand the author is talking about a hair on his head which is still clinging on to him earnestly :). Many of us would have similar stories to share:)
