India's highest civilian awards had been announced recently. And our 'beloved' Aishwarya Rai is there in the coveted list. It is a recognition of her accomplishments - winning the Miss World crown, brand ambassador for international brands, bollywood actress and becoming a part of the Bachchan household. You think I am kidding? Aren't they accomplishments worthy of a Padma Shri ? If you don't think so, then you are not able to discern a fine artist. Because the Indian government thinks Aish has made contributions to Indian cinema more significant than stalwarts like the versatile Nagesh or the redoubtable genius Ilayaraja. Aishwarya Rai's glamor quotient has fetched her international fame whereas these guys are relatively unknown outside Tamil Nadu. You might argue it is no match either to the unrivaled musical wizardry of the Mastero who will enthrall music aficionados forever or the acting ingenuity of Nagesh, who can seamlessly transit between humor and melancholy. Well thats what I too think but not the selection committee (The two examples being from tamil cinema is just because they are some outrageous omissions I know of. Such omissions should be there in every language for sure.) So how can an award which honors its outstanding citizens be mired with so much discrepancy?
One possible argument could be that India though a geographical amalgamation of tremendous diversity, still remains disparate in its soul. In such a milieu, when a group of individuals come together for a decision making exercise, unintentional cultural ignorance and prejudice are prone to creep in. But as a country that prides in being secular and diverse, the government should make sure that every deserving candidate in any nook and corner of the country is given his due respect. It is imperative that such selection committees be highly inclusive and include individuals who are free of any prejudice and well informed about the various regional happenings. And at the end of the day if such inappropriate candidatures keep perpetuating, then such awards might be displaced from their highest pedestal. The day is not far off when a prominent personality rejects these awards exposing the inequalities embedded in it.
P.S : All these rumblings are not out of envy or frustration because, as a non-recipient I am already in elite company.
One possible argument could be that India though a geographical amalgamation of tremendous diversity, still remains disparate in its soul. In such a milieu, when a group of individuals come together for a decision making exercise, unintentional cultural ignorance and prejudice are prone to creep in. But as a country that prides in being secular and diverse, the government should make sure that every deserving candidate in any nook and corner of the country is given his due respect. It is imperative that such selection committees be highly inclusive and include individuals who are free of any prejudice and well informed about the various regional happenings. And at the end of the day if such inappropriate candidatures keep perpetuating, then such awards might be displaced from their highest pedestal. The day is not far off when a prominent personality rejects these awards exposing the inequalities embedded in it.
P.S : All these rumblings are not out of envy or frustration because, as a non-recipient I am already in elite company.